Showing posts with label studying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studying. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

{Has Anyone Seen My Blog?}

Well, hello, there!

It's been a while since I've been here, I guess. In fact, the last time I posted was just to avoid. studying.

I'm at it again, avoiding studying, but this time it's because I truly need a break! Since my last post I have read Volume 1 and part of Volume 2 of the Series 7 books, attended a 6-day class, taken multiple chapter tests, and basically studied every. day. for the past 3 weeks. Only 6 more days until Test Day!

Today was an unusual day in that I was able to study most of the day at work (albeit interrupted with actual work). So when I got home I prepped some dinner, watched a bit of news, and decided to check in on the old blog.

A few times in the past couple of weeks I've been able, or rather, compelled, to get away from studying and take a few walks. My usual walk is the East Medicine Lake Park bike/walk path and it is the best. I'm always encouraged greatly after my walks there.

So during the walks, you'll be happy to know I've come up with many ideas for new posts. You have much to look forward to in the coming months! Lucky you. Also, the past month has included the Markgraf May birthday week and a kindergarten graduation. I have lots of picture posts I need to share.

Oh, and stay tuned for a lovely post, say mid-June, that you won't want to miss. I'm pleased to let you know that I get to introduce my newest nephews! My four foster-nephews will become my adopted-nephews in about two weeks!! This over 2-year journey has had lots of twists and turns, but is ending with a beginning.

And that folks, is about all I've got for now. It's back to studying for me. Until next time...

These lovely flowers have been gracing my desk at work since last week.
A beautiful, thoughtful gift from a dear friend who lives far way. Thanks, Danna!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

{How to Avoid Studying}

Remember this post about my new position at work? May is almost here and that means I am running out of time to study for my first course (the first of my several Series tests). Sounds weird to prepare for a class, but the class is mostly just to prep me for the big test. This week I'll actually be scheduling the test for the end of May or first of June, so I have got to get cracking on the books!

But today, when I had plenty of time, what did I do?
  1. Write a blog post
  2. Clean the bathroom - well, the sink and toilet anyway...
  3. Do a load of laundry
  4. Prepare steak salad for lunch with a side of cucumber salad
  5. Make chili with any ingredients available in the freezer, fridge, or cupboard
  6. Watch Sunday afternoon movies - PBS, anyone?
  7. Bake never before made dessert to take to work - Jiffy Cherry Cobbler - hope they like it!
  8. Post on Facebook about needing $25 to reach my goal for the Walk on Saturday
  9. Wash dishes - taking my time to ensure proper scrubbing of pans...
  10. Post on Facebook about reaching goal to raise $500 for the Walk on Saturday! Many thanks to my friends and family who helped me reach this goal. What a blessing!! I'm very thankful for those who chose to partner with me in helping the Metro Women's Center and the Amazing Grace Home.
Ok, now to buckle down for a little studying before I hit the hay...

Seriously. I've got to study!