Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank You

Thanksgiving Thoughts

  1. Do you say, "Thank You" when someone holds the door for you? Do you say, "Thank You" when someone picks up something you dropped? Does anyone still write Thank You notes? 
  2. Today I received a group Thank You email from one of my bosses. He's on a cruise ship in the Atlantic so he ended his email with "And thank you for holding down the ship as we are on ours!" 
  3. Interestingly enough I woke up thinking about thankfulness for my job. So I wrote back to my boss and told him how thankful I was for God providing me with this job. Five or so years ago I knew nothing about financial planning - they've taught me a lot!
  4. I've blogged about Thankfulness before, but I noticed my November posts were a bit lacking. This is my 2nd post for the month so I'm doing better than last year. Two years ago I posted a bit more in the month of November.
  5. I'm in charge of Thanksgiving for my Dad, Mom and me. We're not having a turkey. Yep, it's true - we're having steak! I'm fixing some stuffing though, just to keep a little tradition alive.
  6. Like many of my friends I've been posting Thankfulness posts on Facebook:
  • 11/17 Thankful for Saturdays. Got my car washed and vacuumed out. Ran errands and figured out Thanksgiving menu for Mom, Dad & me. Babysat 3 munchkins named Sue, Brick & and Axel - j/k that's not their names! ...Went to bed early and forgot to post this!
  • 11/16 I'm thankful for spontaneous friends. Thanks for hanging out with me last night, Alicia Maart! I'm also thankful for busy friends...hmmhmm, Lindsay Tuttle Levang :)
  • 11/14 Thankful for task lists. I got to cross off a bunch of tasks today and after the day I had yesterday, it felt really good! I even got a couple of "good job" and "thank you" s.
  • 11/13 My head hurts from all that I had to do today and for all that I left to do tomorrow. But if it wasn't for all that work I probably wouldn't appreciate the non-headache times as much. Thankful for the work God has provided me. It was refreshing to see Doug-Marie McLachlan today in the middle of my crazy.
  • 11/12 Thankful for warm commutes on the bus. It was chilly and snowy out there today!
  • 11/11 I'm thankful for my godly heritage, for past and present Christ-like examples to follow, and for my church. The following quote from MatthewandKimberly Morrell is what stuck with me from yesterday morning's message: "Faith with just words is powerless." I'd never heard it phrased this way, but it helped me understand James 2:14-26 a little better.
  • 11/10 Thankful that I did my Cinderella duties Thur and Fri so I could enjoy my day off :)
  • 11/8 Thankful for surprise visits at work. Nice to see you, Jess! :)
  • 11/7 Thankful for my free gym at work!
  • 11/6 read this today in my online journal from 446 days ago so I thought I'd share it for today's thankful post: I'm thankful that I have a job. I'm thankful that my job has taught me a lot. I'm thankful for the skills God is allowing me to use at my job. I'm thankful that my boss and co-workers are Christians. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to share my testimony with a co-worker today.
  • 11/5 Thankful that, "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."
  • 11/4 Thankful for the roof over my head and my car that drives like a dream. :)
  • 11/3 I'm thankful for all the Thankful Posts. It's refreshing and encouraging! Keep it up, friends!!
  • 11/2 Thankful for my mom. Praying her heart procedure goes well today and the doctors know what to do to help her mitro valve.
  • 11/1 Thankful for Metro Women's Center's ministry. Enjoyed attending the celebration event tonight! Thanks to those who have partnered with me and donated money.


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