Saturday, August 3, 2013

{5K - Made It!}

Well, I did it: my first 5K event is complete. Our group included Jen, Eric, Tim Emslie and Tim's father-in-law. I was the only walker in the group.

To be honest it would have been more fun if others would have walked with me. It was supposed to be this big thing and then one-by-one people dropped I walked. Alone. Generally that's not a problem for me as that's how I usually walk, but after the throng of runners and joggers got far ahead of me, it got kind of tough to just keep plugging away on my own.

I was surprised a bit by how much this bothered me. Part of me wished I would have tried running, but I knew my running wouldn't last more than 30 seconds (I may have tested it out recently), so I just kept my steady pace and kept moving forward (I also struggled with shin pain for the first mile and a half). I preferred to finish instead of letting strangers find me on the side of the road - you're welcome!

According to my Endomondo Sports Tracker, I finished 3.15 miles in 51:05 minutes. My average pace was 16:14 minutes per mile. No 13 minute miles like I was hoping for.

Thanks to everyone for cheering me on even if most was from a distance!
Thanks to Jen for encouraging me to try something new!

After we cleaned up from the 5k, we went over to Jen & Eric's old neighborhood to sit with their friends at the Hanover Harvest Festival Parade. It was a perfect day for a parade.

The kids enjoy collecting candy tossed from the floats. One of the karate groups was passing out tote bags so the kids had even better candy bags than the usual plastic Walmart bag they bring!

A trip to Culver's was in order after the parade was done. Then it was time to go home and enjoy the breeze with the windows open while taking a nap!

Here are a few pics:
Jen & I Pre-race Selfie
Someone offered to take our pic :0)
 After. Still smiling!

Also after - Jen and Eric with Tim off to the side.
Oops! Morgen's finger got in the way.
Ethan, Morgen, Erin, Megan, & Carsten all lined up to get candy at the parade!

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