Thursday, February 5, 2009

bright bling!

Just in case you missed the news flash/bright light coming from the Minnesota sister, Jess, she got engaged this past weekend!

This happened Friday night when Luke flew in from Pennsylvania to surprise Jess. Thankfully he gave me a heads-up on Wednesday so I could secret-clean the house. (Didn't really have to do it secretly, Jess wasn't home much to notice b/c of two basketball games and practices.)

So how did Luke propose, you ask? He was waiting at our condo for her to come home after she coached a high school girls basketball game. Jess's friend Liz had picked Luke up at the airport and helped him run a few errands. Then I got the text message that he had arrived safe and sound. "The Eagle has landed" would have been appropriate, but since Jess was busy with her basketball game we didn't need much code-talk. (Well, except when the sisterhood was trying to discuss over the head of one 4-year-old niece..."Who's leaving the airport, Bekah?")

Thankfully her team won :) and she only stayed through ½ time of the boys’ game. We (those of us "in" on the plan) were getting nervous that she wasn’t going to go home! It all worked out, and we didn't even have to come up with too many scenario variations to get her back to the condo. She said, "Yes!" he tells us. You can see the ring really is lovely!

Now we’ve already had a party to celebrate their engagement and the date has been set for May 30, 2009. Yep, this May! The sisterhood of Mpls has already purchased her a wedding planner and have plotted for the first dress-shopping excursion. Also, the NC-sisterhood has claimed a win: read more here. The youngest of the sisterhood is being tapped for her photography skills...

So this little event of last weekend actually changes two significant things in my life:

  1. I will be moving, really soon! Jess owns the condo in which we both live and
    they've (almost for sure) decided they'll (probably) be living here... So
    apartment hunting has begun!
  2. I’m going to postpone my trip to Romania scheduled for earlier in May. Tickets had not yet been purchase, but my passport was recently updated. A dear college friend, Kim, is getting married to a Romanian fellow on May 17th, but with these two weddings happening so close together and with a move on my horizon, I’m needing to plan the trip at another time. My friend is still going to live in Romania after they get married and they are planning on a state-side celebration in June. Fortunately my travel companion (another college friend of mine), Tricia, will not have to travel alone. Her sister is still planning to make the trip with her. I do plan to get to Europe sometime in my lifetime though! Maybe next year!

Congrats, Jess & Luke!

      1 comment:

      Heard by God said...

      Awww, Bekah Bekah Bekah . . . your life's changing so much, & you're still not moving to Atlanta??? ;o) Seriously, huge congrats to Miss Jessica, & I hope you can find an apartment or something soon, Beklah. If not, you know we would turn our great room into an apartment for you lickety-split! Love you.